I had intended to actually use this thing, but I've never been very good about writing down my thoughts. I mean, I bought a journal almost six years ago and still haven't managed to fill it. My other flaw as a blogger, is being able to share my thoughts in a timely fashion. For example, going to see a movie when it comes out and being able to sit down and type up my thoughts on the film in time to share them while they might be relevant.
I don't actually see movies very often. They're too expensive these days. I remember when I thought it was getting out of control at $7.50, now I long for that time. I do watch a lot of TV though, but never as it airs. I hate commercials. It's Monday and I've only just finished catching up on my shows from this past week. So how relevant could my opinions be when everyone has already had time to form their own?
And we find another problem. I'm not the kind of person who wants to force my opinions on other people. I used to be... when I was 16. Now, I'm of the mind that we should decide for ourselves what we enjoy, what stimulates our imaginations, and to just go with it. Even if that means you prefer watching The CW to HBO. Currently, I am enjoying, with some kind of sadistic pleasure, the inherent scandal and melodrama on CW programming. Also, I always favor sci-fi, and they have more than a few shows with elements of the supernatural in their line-up this season.
I'm a sci-fi junkie. In my DVD collection, I actually have a special shelf for my sci-fi TV. Stargate, Farscape, Battlestar, Star Trek, Doctor Who... the list goes on. I like the tendency of the genre to belittle the pettiness on mankind. To try and show us how our constant mistrust of one another and compulsion to find ways of separating the "us" from the "them" feeds into our fractured world. And that those kinds of attitudes will inevitably be our doom.
I didn't have any intentions when I started this post. I just let my mind wander around, but I suppose that's enough pontificating for one day...